Ways to Give

Photos of our staff and members interacting

World-wide, people are working to transform a dangerously broken food system, and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN by 2030. There is an urgency to regenerate our soils and landscapes, protect our waterways, and find solutions to the many challenges we face globally, to nourish ourselves today and 7 generations from today.

Here at the regional level, One Straw Society is part of a grassroots, community-driven, farm-centric movement to nurture a robust and resilient food system for our Sunshine Coast communities. 

With your support, we’re thinking outside the box to create bigger impacts in creative ways, change systems and policy, and feed people who need it most… with dignity.


Quick & Easy Giving for Impact


$50 can provide:

  • Produce for a week for a family of 4
  • Seeds & soil for one row at our community gardens; or
  • Pay for someone to learn at a workshop who may not be able to afford it


$500 can provide things like… 

  • 1 new picnic table at the Tiny Farm
  • A season of pollinator flowers at the Sechelt Streetside Garden
  • Honorariums to indigenous elders to teach salmon canning & traditions, or
  • 10’ of wheelchair-accessible garden path


$100 can provide:

  • Farm produce for 2 weeks for a family of four
  • Seeds & soil for two rows at our community garden;
  • a planting day in the medicinal garden; or
  • 20 warm bowls of soup for people in need


$1000 can provide:

  • Living wage top-ups for youth agri-interns
  • A portable cooktop for the community kitchen
  • Truck insurance to deliver food all year
  • 200 warm bowls of soup.


$250 can provide: 

  • Farm produce for a month for a family of 4
  • Seeds & soil for a full block at our community garden
  • Honorariums for one elder to pass knowledge to the next generations


$2500 can provide:

  • Coordination of large community events like Seedy Saturday
  • 50’ of wheelchair accessible garden path
  • 4 months’ produce for 11 seniors living under the poverty line, or
  • Insurance for the Tool Library’s assets & tech for a year

Gifts over $5000 may best be done through e-transfers, cheque, or wire to ensure your whole gift reaches the work you’re supporting (minimizing fees). Talk to us about how you’d like us to put your legacy gifts to work.

Legacy Giving

Wills & Estate Giving

Making a gift in your will is impactful and easy, leaving a legacy for future generations. You can bequeath cash, securities, property or even a percentage of your estate. This provides a charitable tax receipt, that can decrease (or even eliminate) estate taxes.

Endowment fund

An Endowment Fund is often named in honour of you or a loved one, and is invested to provide ongoing dividend or interest income to support the work of food security forever. The initial gift is not spent, and can be added to over the years to increase the impact (by yourself, your family, or others).


Community-owned and protected land within the arms of a registered charity can support food security and food sovereignty for generations to come. Land allows the community to plant deep roots (literally), build permanent infrastructure, and ensure food production and accessibility – forever. 


Gifts of stocks & other investments save you significantly on the capital gains tax payable on those investments. Transfer of Securities is done through your broker/advisor, through to Canadahelps.org (who issues the tax receipt). Securities are sold, and funds transferred to One Straw.

About the issues

The food system includes all the chapters in the story of getting food from farm to belly. Learn more about the issues we work on.

Our work

We build programs, teach, bring community together, support farm business, and fill the pantries of the Sunshine Coast with local, healthy, ethical and sustainable food.

Young person with an old person pouring soil for a workshop

Not a member yet?

Membership supports our work and keeps you connected, but you also get perks like local discounts, VIP early ticket sales to things like long table dinners & foodbox sales!

Have a question or want help making a donation?

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