Superheroes don't wear capes
Thank you!
We’re doing this together. Dollars, resources, people, time… all critical pieces of the puzzle.
Here are some of your change-makers in your community. Huge gratitude to the people making it happen, creating a legacy for tomorrow.

Financial Supporters doing this good work with us:
$2501 - $10,000
Baris Charitable Foundation
Bruinwood Estate Distillery
Casandra Fletcher
District of Sechelt
Halfmoon Bay Community Association
Lyft Commodity Trading
Northern Divine Aquafarms
Olson Electric
Hops & Vines Design
$501 - $2500
Agriservice BC
Beth and Tim Mowat
Cinamon Bryant
Danielle Walters
George Montoya Kennedy
Gordon Giroday
Hanson Land and Sea
Jeanelle Hazlett
Klaus Ferlow
Lois Gory
Mark Morgan
Megan & Cody Kelso
Mike Moriarty
Milner Ridge Ent. Ltd.
Paul Myers
Ryley O’Byrne
Salish Soils Inc
Sam Teller
Sean Wiens
Shaunna Asselstine
Stephen Forgacs
The Fisherman’s Market
Up to $500
Amanda Brink
Amy Passmore
Andrea Potter
Andrew Riseman
Angela Skene
Ann Harmer
Anne Rodgers
Ashley D. Boghean
Avril M. Chalmers
Barbara Kay
Betty Bronson
Brenda Pulvermacher
Brenna Wear
Brian Menzies
Bruce Clavel
Caitlin Allenby
Cameron Dowkes
Carol Both
Cathy Hallam
Charlotte Fekete
Christina Bergin
Dana Gallagher
Danica Harmer
Daniel Palmer
David Allison
Deborah Wear
Dhalie Patara Plischke
Diane Corbett
Donna McMahon
Doug Baker
Drowned City Press
Econics Services
Elaine Steel
Elisabeth Finch
Gail Hunt
Glenna McGuire
Graham MacLennan
Granes Farm Foods Inc.
Guy Tremblay
Heike Horn
Helen Eady
Hilary Prince
Janice McDonald
Jen Mccarthy
Jennifer Marshall
Joan Boles
Jolene Lansdowne
Jordan Maynard
Josha MacNab
Joy Hocking
Judith Hammill
Julie M Astalnok
Karla Jaeger
Kate McLaughlin
Kelli Hansen
Kevin Broome
Kristen Bartels
Kristine Toynbee
Laura Houle
Laurie Reid
Leah Tannock
Lisa Mervyn
Lise Kreps
Lynda Quinn
Manon Gelinas
Marie Barclay
Mary Graham
Megan Sutton
Michael L Sachtjen
Michelle Cornwall
Michelle McCarty
Michelle Merry
Michelle Smith
Miranda Beall
Muguette Macdonald
Nara Brenchley
Nicola Hodges
Patricia Arczynski
Paul Adams
Penelope Amrani
Petrina Wing
Reidun Eggen
Robert Flux
Roger Maidment
Rory St. Clair
Sally Peck Burke
Samantha Nickel
Sandy Dworkin
Sara Moore
Sarah Macdonald
Sarita Moodie
Scott Broughton
Sheila Rogers
Sheila Weaver
Shelley Reed
Sheryl Harrison
SJ Carlyle
Stephanie Grindon
Sunshine Coast Appliance & Mattress
Suzy Naylor
Tanya Erb
Terri Ponich
Theresa Hiebert
Trinity Rowles
Vera Wall
Veronika Schwedling
Xerez Haffenden
Yvette Lalonde
Zan Romeder
Help feed the Coast

With your support, we’re thinking outside the box to create bigger impacts in creative ways, change systems and policy, and feed people who need it most.

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We’re a bunch of passionate people brought together by a shared vision for a sustainable future, working to make our communities more resilient, food secure, and connected.

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