Meet Jesse, the new Sechelt Streetside Garden Coordinator

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Jesse Frank, Sechelt Streetside Garden Coordinator

Hello from the Streetside! I’m Jesse Frank the new coordinator of the Streetside Garden Program.  I’ve studied permaculture design, organic gardening, regenerative farming, indigenous food systems, let’s just say I love to have my hands in the dirt. I am passionate about reimagining the future, protecting the lands and waters, and building healthy communities.

This summer has seen many visitors and collaborators to the garden, from the little winged ones spreading pollen amongst the flowers, to the children of all ages picking berries, to those looking for a spot to sit and rest. It’s been a joy to watch and a reminder how important these community spaces are. It’s not a large space, we don’t look to produce the most food possible, rather it’s a place to explore possibilities and engage with each other and the more than human world. 

As fall approaches we are turning our attention to the soil, it’s time to apply mulches and other amendments to the garden beds. In many ways the “Soil Year” starts in Autumn, when leaves fall to the ground and become food for the community of life in the soil. It’s also the time when the pollinators and other insects begin to look for winter homes. It’s an exciting time of change and preparation in the garden. 

Join us in the garden, drop by anytime and enjoy the space. We are planning some educational programming in October, keep your eyes open for more details.

To learn more about the garden or to volunteer visit our website.

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